Canadian Index for Multiple Deprivation

I created a map showing the areas with the highest levels of deprivation according to the Canadian Index of Multiple Deprivation (CIMD). The CIMD, using Statistics Canada 2016 Census Data, helps us understand inequality through various measures of social well-being, including health, education, and justice.

The CIMD map indicates which areas in Canada have the highest score concerning the four dimensions of multiple deprivations and their corresponding data sets.

Government of Canada Archive

According to the Government of Canada, CIMD data (and this map) can be used for.

Policy planning and evaluation. The CIMD serves as an area-based measure of socio-economic conditions and, as such, it can help to better understand social inequalities by region, especially outside major urban centres for which data may not be as readily available. For example, if the objective is to better understand neighbourhoods requiring a need for more affordable housing, the CIMD could help identify neighbourhoods in need of additional resources.

Research and analysis. The CIMD can be used as a proxy for individual-level information, meaning that information is available for various populations of interest. As a result, the CIMD could be used to analyze various issues, such as the socio-economic inequalities between offenders who have one contact with the criminal justice system versus those who have repeated contact.

Resource allocation. As a geographical measure of health and social well-being, the CIMD can be used to identify marginalized communities and allow for better allocation of resources. For instance, in light of the recent opioid crisis in many areas of Canada, the CIMD could be used to better understand characteristics of areas in which overdoses appear to be highest, and therefore assist in the planning and allocating of resources that are required and help reduce the number of instances.” (Government of Canada)

City of Vancouver CIMD Map
The City of Toronto CIMD Map