Data-Driven Collision StoryMap

Using data to tell a complex story can be a powerful strategy. In 2023, I used ArcGIS Online to create a ‘StoryMap’ webpage in order to present 13 years of vulnerable road user collision data provided by the City of Kingston. By mapping this data, I was able to visually communicate high-collision areas and areas of increased danger due to equity-related risk factors.


The StoryMap concludes with three recommendations that could enable the City of Kingston, and other municipalities, to decrease the injuries and deaths of pedestrians and cyclists:

  1. Embed an equity lens when prioritizing road safety efforts. This strategy will ensure that road conditions are safest for those who are most impacted by traffic violence.
  2. Focus road safety efforts in areas with high collisions and transportation inequities such as those with lower income and those who are public transit dependent.
  3. Use existing data to prioritize road safety efforts towards inequitable areas of concern. Limit the use of complaint-based traffic calming requests which tend to favour those with higher incomes and those who are less vulnerable to vehicle collisions.